welcome to a work-in-progress space. this is, or will be, a shrine dedicated to the video game SIGNALIS, released in october 2022 and developed by rose-engine. feel free to listen to the music here, or find somewhere else to look for information on this game.

places to go . . .

art is made by me personally. the character's name is harpy. he is an ADLR unit.

about the site . . .

ACHTUNG started as a concept fuelled by the idea to create a gameFAQs-survival-horror-style walkthrough for SIGNALIS, in a homage to the culture it so deeply reveres and takes inspiration from. it has, since its inception, become a sort of project to chronicle all things related to the game. its contents currently stay hidden within my computer as a .txt file in notepad, but as the framework and formatting of this page is finished, I will port it into this page. the goal, in the long term, is to allow this place to be somewhere anyone can look to for any information needed to understand and expand upon the world and story of SIGNALIS.